Learn more about the research projects I have been involved in and are currently underway.
U.S.-South Africa Racial Justice Fellows Program (Faculty Coordinator)
Coordinated by Sonya Douglass, Professor of Education Leadership and founding director of the Black Education Research Center, the week’s programming offered international scholars a glimpse into TC’s research-driven practice on education equity. Speakers came from a variety of programs and centers, offering a wealth of expert opinions on racial justice and how it manifests in schools.
New York City Council Education Equity Action Plan - Black Studies Curriculum and Professional Learning Plan (Principal Investigator, $8.35 million)
The Education Equity Action Plan is the first-ever Pre-K-12 Black Studies curriculum to be implemented into the public school system. It is more than a half-century in the making, forged by pioneering Black Studies advocates, promoted by present-day educators, nonprofits, and government officials inspired to take action during the movement of social justice and reform
U.S. Department of Education Institute for Education Sciences (IES) Transformative Education Grant - Culturally Responsive Schools (Co-Principal Investigator, $2.9 million)
The Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE) at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education (Penn GSE) and The Leadership Academy, together with leaders from four universities, have received a $3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES) to create and validate research-based tools that school leaders can leverage to understand and cultivate culturally responsive practices.